15-Ton (6-8 Cord) Truckloads of Firewood Logs – Delivered & Stacked

🔥 $750 per load (includes sales tax)

Now delivering mixed Maple and Alder logs* to your location!

Priority deliveries available now for Whidbey Island & Fidalgo Island.
Expanding soon to Whatcom, Skagit, and north Snohomish counties, including Marysville, Smokey Point, Arlington, and Stanwood.

🚛 Delivery timing depends on our active logging locations. If you’re in an upcoming service area, join our delivery list using the form below! A representative will contact you before deliveries begin in your area.

*Loads may also contain conifer species.

Frequently Asked Questions

How Much Firewood Is In A Cord?

Per Washington State law, a legal full cord (aka bush cord) of split firewood measures 4' wide x 4' high x 8' long, totaling 128 cubic feet of tightly packed wood with as few gaps as possible. A legal half-cord of split firewood is the equivalent of a 4' wide x 4' high x 4' long stack, totaling 64 cubic feet in volume, again tightly packed with as few gaps as possible. (See below for the best way to stack firewood).

Traditional full-cord stack of cut & split firewood is 4' wide x 4' high x 8' long, totaling 128 cubic feet.

What Types Of Wood Are Available?

Firewood from Janicki Logging is mainly Douglas Fir mixed with Alder and/or Maple. If you’re looking for a particular species of wood, please use the form below to contact us, and we’ll get back to you as soon as we have an answer.

When Will My Firewood Be Delivered?

Because we schedule deliveries based on proximity to our current harvesting and thinning operations, we will contact you a few days before we begin delivering in your area to arrange a mutually agreed-upon delivery date.

What Size Will My Firewood Logs Be?

Bulk Logs typically range from 16’ to 24’ long with a diameter of 3”-7” at the narrower end (aka “scale end”).

What’s The Best Way To Stack Firewood?

First, choose a dry, sunny spot for stacking at least 20 feet from entrances to your home or other heated spaces (to help keep pests from finding their way indoors). The wood pile should be raised slightly off the ground on pallets, treated lumber, or concrete blocks to allow ventilation beneath the stack and to prevent moisture from coming up from below. A well-built stack perpendicular to prevailing winds for ventilation is best for seasoning wood and will help prevent molds or fungus’ from growing on your firewood. Ideally, you should feel the breeze coming through the pile. Last but not least, the top of the stack should be covered to protect it from rain and snow.

How Long Does It Take To Season “Green” Firewood?

When it comes to burning firewood, the drier, the better. Wood burns hotter and cleaner once its moisture content is lower than 20 percent, ideal for indoor heating sources like wood stoves. Wood with a 25-30 percent moisture content will usually do for outdoor fires like fire pits and campfires. The drying/"seasoning" time needed for recently cut “green” wood to burn well can take anywhere from 4-6 weeks up to 2 years, depending on the species of wood and drying conditions such as temperature, humidity, and ventilation. For example, softwoods like Douglas Fir harvested during late summer can be dry enough to burn within just a few weeks after being cut, split, and properly stacked. On the other hand, an extremely hard wood like Oak can take two or more years to dry out, depending on how it's stored.

Most of the "green" wood we sell during the May to August season is typically dry enough to burn within 8-12 weeks of stacking, following the guidelines above. Green firewood purchased and properly stacked between October and May should be ready to burn the following summer.

Have Other Questions?

Just send them to us using the button below, and we’ll get you the answers you’re looking for.