Combating Laminated Root Rot: Sustainable Strategies at Galbraith Tree Farm

At Janicki Logging Co. (JLC), our partnership with Galbraith Tree Farm (GTF) is rooted in a shared commitment to sustainable forestry and environmental stewardship. Together, we are tackling one of the most formidable forest diseases in the Pacific Northwest: Laminated Root Rot (LRR), caused by the persistent fungus Phellinus weirii. This collaboration leverages JLC's expertise in forest management to effectively control the spread of LRR, enhancing both the forest's biodiversity and resilience.

Deep Dive into Laminated Root Rot

Laminated Root Rot poses a critical threat due to its ability to persist in soil for decades and significantly reduce timber yield. Affecting primarily conifers, LRR spreads through root-to-root contact. Recognizing and managing this disease early is crucial, as symptoms like reduced tree growth, yellowing foliage, and eventual tree death can severely impact forest health. Our approach at JLC includes rigorous monitoring and strategically removing infected trees alongside a buffer zone of surrounding hosts, a method proven to curtail the fungus spread.

Proactive Measures Against Laminated Root Rot


A 2020 assessment of Galbraith Tree Farm identified 801 sites infected with laminated root rot.


Since GTF's acquisition in 2017, we have identified and responded to LRR precisely and urgently. A 2020 study revealed extensive infection, prompting us to undertake aggressive thinning and harvesting across over 400 acres. This proactive measure aims to control LRR and mitigate wildfire risks, safeguarding the forest and neighboring communities.

Engaging and Educating the Community

In 2023, operations were paused to assess the effectiveness of our interventions. Results in 2024 indicated the need for continued action, reinforcing our commitment to transparency and community engagement. At JLC, we ensure that every measure taken is communicated and aligned with best practices in forest management, addressing any concerns from the local community head-on.

Vision for the Future: Sustainable Forestry as a Community Priority

Looking ahead, JLC is dedicated to maintaining the vitality of Galbraith Mountain's ecosystem through thoughtful and sustainable forest management. Our strategy extends beyond immediate threats, focusing on long-term sustainability to keep the forest healthy and productive for future generations. By fostering a diverse and resilient forest environment, we are not just preserving nature—we are enhancing it, ensuring that Galbraith Mountain remains a thriving natural habitat.

Through strategic interventions and a commitment to community engagement, Janicki Logging Co. continues to lead the way in sustainable forest management. It has made significant strides in combating Laminated Root Rot and enhancing the ecological health of Galbraith Tree Farm.